1. Jesus, the cross, resurrection, forgiveness, hope, confidence, security (that counts as just one cuz it's all linked!!)
2. In the midst of daily sadness, I also have a daily awareness of the presence of God the Holy Spirit - the Comforter, the Helper, the one who is 'just like Jesus'...
3. Tim the Rookester who's personal friendship is second to none....
4. People who sponsored us for our family swim - I handed in the cash to DOKH today - totalling over £475....thanks !!!!!
5. Sam the dog (no, I never really thought I'd say that !!) - he's my only companion sometimes and strangely I'm finding I actually do like him (when he's not being gross, that is!)
6. The school run - walking around the lake, seeing geese, ducks, fish, trees, and a myriad of colours in creation...
7. My rocket-bike who will be put through her paces in my first Triathlon of the season next Monday....am looking to beat last years PB over the distances (430m swim, 20km bike, 5km run) but based on this morning's run, it's pretty unlikely ! ;-(
8. Sunshine
9. My first ever cake baking experience today - Delia Smith, eat your heart out...a birthday cake for No3 - a little belated from January (but I did tell her I'd do it one day!)
10. 'The Beast' aka 'Lindy the Landy'- a simply fabulous piece of engineering....which regularly puts a smile on my face ;-)