Sunday 11 October 2009

A day of rest.....

Sunday has come around again - probably my favourite day of the week.....

Karena is doing really well....almost 2 weeks now since the last chemo and she is feeling pretty good. We went out for a shopping visit to Portsmouth yesterday so her strength must have returned, she even found some Christmas "bits and bobs" (aaaaarrrrrgggghhhhh !!)
And we all made it to church together today to meet with the risen King of Kings which was simply magnificent !

Family chinese meal today where we all cooked different chinese dishes and then had a taste sensation - it was absolutely fantastic. "Mistress Ho Chi Min" (aka "the babe") is very skilled at both cooking and parenting methinks!

CT Scan is on Thurs 22 Oct. Consulant appointment to discuss path ahead is on 10 Nov....nothing else planned between now and then except for a half-term holiday away with friends. Can't wait ;-)

Please pray for :-
  • "Mistriss Ho Chi Min" - for continued strength/resistance to bugs, winter colds etc etc
  • CT scan to be clear when we speak to consultant on 10 Nov


  1. so pleased to read about "normal" life still happening...Babe muat be feeling better if Christmas shopping was on the agenda.!!

    will continue to pray and really hope you guys have a fab half term holiday

  2. Woo hoo! Great news! Have a lovely holiday. Praying that it's preceded by a good result CT scan and followed by a positive consultant appointment! Take care, keep strong and keep cooking! Love the De Silva's xx

  3. Hi
    We are both thinking and praying for you and good luck on the 22nd and 10th

    our love

    A J & U M xx
