Sunday, 6 September 2009

Day #249....

It's now 249 days since this saga began.....and in it so far there has been a mix of emotions.... some sadness, some hope, some tears, some ups, some downs, some energy, some tiredness, some despair, some joy, some expectation.......
but this week's primary emotion has been dread.....dread at the approaching chemo - number #8. 1 more to go after this one. Trouble is that #7 was so hard that the thought of two more is a pretty awful prospect....but needs to be done as we understand it.
So it's the usual plan for tomorrow - blood test at 9am, and assuming all is ok - onto the chemo ward for a 5 hour poison drip-fest. ;-(
Big prayer request this time is that the chemo side effects won't be as bad as last time - which totally wiped Karena out with 3 days in bed (and ongoing tiredness by the truckload)....not to mention the post-op menopausal symptoms which haven't really improved !
I really enjoyed my early morning bike ride yesterday tho, and we had a whole hour at legoland in the afternoon which was just spectacular!

So, all is ready for the off tomorrow - meals are already organised (by others) for the week, and the sunflowers are sitting in a vase on the fireplace ready to work their cheering magic .....

Thanks for praying (we're so grateful to you!).......there IS a God in heaven who reigns.
Hope your week goes well. ;-)


  1. We can all hope and pray for you all.
    Lots of love M & D xxxxx

  2. I cant believe its 249 guys are doing so well...even in the midst of this crap your faith and hope shines through and more than that your determination to fight and to have life all the fullness you rides...chemo....I am in awe

    I will be praying please pass on all y love to your "Babe"

  3. Hope everything has been going according to the prayer requests! And yes! Our God reigns and He is with and for you! Keep going! We hold your arms high in prayer. Ros & Co xx

  4. Our love and prayers to you all, you are in our thoughts continuously and pray you will win this fight with the Lord's help.
    Mum and Dad

  5. Such a difficult journey to travel, but you are not alone. God is with you & we are too, every step of the way!
    You are heroes!
    Much love Anita & Steve xx
