I awoke this morning to the alarm clock and felt the usual, "Oh, it's Monday" feeling....eventually (with just too little time remaining to shower, prepare 3 packed lunches, sort children, feed dogs/cats/chickens and rush out the door) I decided to get up....the moment my feet hit the carpet though I had an intriguing thought which rang very clear in my mind - the thought was a simple one (I don't have any other types !)....."Today will be a day of change."
As Christians many of us are aware that God can speak to us in the "still small voice"....and (if you're anything like me) when you do have those impressions/words etc that spring into your mind, you wonder whether you heard it right, or whether you just made it all up......
You can decide.....here's a record of (some of) my/Ellie's text conversation today....
C to E - 8:42
At work. Another day. Today is going to be a day of change....E to C - 8:55
A day of change? What kind of change?....C to E - 8:58
A day of change - dunno - just think it is...might be totally wrong but it was my first though when I got out of bed!E to C - 9:25
....don't get excited, but I've had an offer on my house...but...(the offer was for £61,000 less than the asking price - which is set realistically according to the EAs and has already been dropped twice).
E to C - 10:55
Had a really good Amy Carmichael passage ....today is about "not shrinking back" (Heb 10:38-39).........later......
C to E - 16:30
Just heard from my EA. Mr Wotsit has given us an offer...don't get your hopes up...his "initial offer" is....(£40,000 less than the asking price which has also been dropped twice and is also set realistically according to the EAs)
So we've got two offers for two houses on the same day - and we've rejected both - but these are the first offers we've had on our two houses since they went on the market months ago....truly bizarre that they happened on the same day....
The question is, Did I hear from God on a 'normal' Monday morning as my feet hit the carpet, and if so, what do we do next.....?
Tricky ! However I think Amy Carmichael has indeed pointed us in the right direction....
Heb 10:39But we do not belong to those who shrink back.....but to those who have faith....Appreciating your prayers - it would be really good to sell two houses and buy a bigger one that will fit everybody in ! 12 days to go until the big day....