Saturday 10 July 2010

"I do..."

10th July 1993 probably isn't that significant a date to most people....for me though it was a life changer....I really landed jam-side-up that day !
17 years later I'm still so glad that Karena said "I do" because she totally changed my life in the process. This year of course there are no anniversary cards, & no hopes for our future married life their place there are just shatterred hopes,shatterred dreams, tears and sadness.

In my bible reading notes this morning I have been reading about the goodness of God from Psalm 34:8

"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that takes refuge in him"

...and the commentary notes read as follows :-

Some people misunderstand the idea that God is good, and take it to mean that bad things will never happen. Then, because of the results of the Fall - things like death and sin and sickness and abuse and earthquakes - still happen, they get angry with God....but in verse 19 the psalmist makes the remarkable announcement "Many are the afflictions of the righteous" which is the exact opposite of what many people today would think. Even with a good God who is sovereign over everything and has the power to do whatever he likes, good people still suffer. The punch-line comes in the next phrase though..."but the Lord delivers you out of them all".....and "no-one will be condemned who takes refuge in Him" (vs 22)

My theology is clear, but I still feel sad most of the time ! So....exactly 17 years after saying "I do", I will cling onto the most important person that Karena introduced me to just a few months before we were married - Jesus - He alone is my Helper, my Comforter, my Hope, my Salvation, my Rock, my Fortress & my Song....
...and when He asks "Will you follow me wherever it leads and however hard it is?"...
...through tears, I reply "I do".


  1. A happy date to remember all the good times you had together. Maybe do something special with the kids to celebrate the date each year?
    thinking of you.

  2. Courageous Craig, may God make His face shine upon you and bring you peace and may each tear shed bring you more comfort from The Comforter of all. It will take a while - but that's ok because He will never leave you or forsake you. Take good care of yourself. Lot of love from the DS's xx

  3. Craig, Just seen your blog for the first time. Sorry I haven't spoken to you for a long time but my prayers are with you. I pray for God to bless you richly as you keep on keeping on. Your words have really encouraged me tonight. God bless you and your children. Dave Frodsham

  4. Hey again Craig.....its good to remember significant dates and to talk about them,..its all part of the "walking " through the grief and the hurt...God can and will uphold you.....
