Wednesday, 22 July 2009

....and so to Plan C

Chemo didn't go ahead on Monday....Karena's blood results were actually worse than the previous Friday so they reckon that the chemo has affected her bone marrow and hence her blood recovery isn't she now has some injections to have for the rest of the week which should help improve things. They are self-administered (I did offer but she didn't seem too keen !!!). By the time this is all over, she should be a qualified nurse herself! So back for chemo next Monday 27th is now the plan.

Stuff we're grateful for :-

  • Children have broken up from school
  • We've booked up for a week away (which we really want Karena to be well for!)
  • God's continued goodness towards us.
  • Throughout the whole course of this treatment Karena hasn't picked up any infections, illnesses etc

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Here we go again.....

It's time for another update (sorry Roy !).....time has whizzed past since the last update and we're now reddying ourselves for Chemo session #6. We went in last Friday but as it wasn't quite 3 weeks since the previous chemo, her blood counts weren't quite up to it as I had somewhat it's back tomorrow for another try. Hopefully all will be well for the babe will be in again with her sister at 9:00am for blood test and assuming all is ok then will go up onto the ward for drugs drugs drugs.....
This could be the last one but we still don't actually know for sure whether they are planning for another 3 chemo's or not.....when we went in on Friday the plan was to see the consultant main-man type chappie to discuss ongoing treatment and the last scan results - but he was basically only in hospital for an hour or so and was not planning to see us as he was supposed to be on holiday.....some great lack of communication somewhere !! So he will make a decision we are told after he comes back as to whether Karena still needs another 3 sessions or not.
The babe is really tired bless her - not sure why apart from just trying to do too much probably and perhaps the cumulative nature of the treatment....aside from this though she is ok and in good heart.

Not much more to report...would very much appreciate your prayers for tomorrow (20th) that her blood counts would be ok, that the chemo would go ahead without problem, and for general strength and resistance to infection (incl. H1N1 et al !)....
Will try to remember to update in a few days time (remind me Roy !)

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Chemo round #5 update....

Karena's chemo last Friday was her blood count was low, then they retested and she saw the consultant and waited around a lot - and by the time they figured out that she would be OK to have the chemo, it was too late to start - so Monday it had to be!
So armed with magazines, cappucinno's and DVD's, Karena went in for round #5 on Monday morning. All went well but chemo days are always rollercoaster rides emotionally.
3 days on and she is doing really well, has come off the steroids early and hasn't really felt sick. Tonight we even made it out for a family meal for my birthday......all good !
In 3 weeks time we will have an appointment with the consultant to decide whether she has just 1 more chemo or another 4. In the meantime the menopause is still causing a lot of sleeplessness and unwanted heat !!

Stuff we're grateful for.....
  • 3 vibrant, noisy, giggling children playing the "Hello Harry, I'm Harry, Meet Harry" game in Pizza Hut !
  • Our God who never leaves us nor forsakes us even when it's tough-going
  • Support from family and friends
Stuff to pray for :-
  • Continued good recovery from this chemo
  • Good blood count for next chemo (sheduled for 17 July)
  • Just 1 more chemo !