Sunday, 1 September 2013

Exchanged !

This is our new house !  <>

Late on Friday we exchanged contracts at last !

We are very pleased and quite relieved that we have found a more permanent home after about two years of trying!
Completion isn't until 18th October which seems like a long way off at the moment....but it leaves us time to do some organising and to get prepared.

Ellie and I have been talking about what we've been learning through this process of being disappointed so many times on houses we'd hoped to's a fairly long list but here's some highlights :-

  • God's plans are not our plans, nor are His ways our ways (Isa 55:8)
  • God's timing is not our timing (we planned to rent for a maximum of 6 months...15 months later!)
  • Sometimes we don't see the path ahead very clearly but in faith we keep moving forward
  • There's not necessarily one 'right' way to go; God is much bigger than that.
  • In all things, seek peace and pursue it (Ps 34:14)...which is Ellie's family motto !
  • Money is simply a tool (Rental costs have been huge!); we need to thank God for this provision that had enabled us to rent a house rather than worrying about the future (Matt 6:27).

Time to go and do some packing !


  1. So thrilled. What a journey you guys have been on. Very proud that you haven't just gone mad but you've let God be God. So much we don't understand but "one thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that you O God are strong and that you O Lord are loving"

    1. Sorry it's taken me so long to respond....perhaps I am actually mad after all :-) I miss our chats...I will call you sometime very soon for a catch-up!

  2. Fantastic news! Missed this blog as we've been away.
    May God richly bless you when you move into your new home.

    1. Thank you so much. Still can't quite believe it's going to happen...the clock has started to tick very very slowly !!
